The Day I Popped My Webcam Cherry
I really didn’t know what to expect on my first day on cam. I had read all the tips I could find, and I had prepared as best I knew how. I had an HD webcam and halogen work lights – a suggestion made by one of many sites that makes lighting way more complicated than it needs to be.
Related: How to Set Up For Your First Day on Cam
I had purchased a few pieces of sexy lingerie and was trying them on, feeling super sexy and totally out of my element.
I felt like a goddess, albeit a goddess about to plunge into unknown waters and find out what was under the surface. What I found was my freedom… but I’m getting ahead of myself.
On my first day on cam with 5 Points, I decided to put in 2-3 hours on my day off. Back in May 2013, I was too nervous to wear anything sexy I’d bought for the occasion. I logged into the Performer Application in sexy makeup and pajamas. And that is how I became the “girl next door” lol.
It felt like a typical chat room
except that I was the center of attention. Screen names popped in; some stayed a few minutes, some chatted, some popped right back out. I felt exposed knowing that all these anonymous names could see me and I could not see them.
I started to do what the tips I’d read told me to do. I started greeting everyone by their screen name as they came in (that felt soo awkward at first), and I tried to keep a conversation going. The obvious topic was “it’s my first day!”
The guys love checking out new models, especially on her first day. It’s like she’s a virtual virgin lol.
The Fake Tip Conundrum
I was having fun chatting and flirting with these screen names when the subject of tips came up. I knew that I could take a request in free chat if the member tipped me first. But when a grey user posted a “fake tip” I was a little confused, because I didn’t know what a real tip looked like. I also didn’t know what a grey user was.
I had my suspicion but didn’t want to disappoint, so I flashed my tits for nothing on my first day. It’s a common mistake, but easily avoidable. What I didn’t know was how to tell which members were more likely to actually spend money.
Related: Which Members Should I Pay Attention To?
A real tip shows up in PINK text
with a coin or gift icon in front.
My First Paid Show
It wasn’t long before one of those names decided to come pop my webcam cherry. I heard an alert and suddenly it was me and just one of those screen names, with a little notice at the top that read “you are in paid chat.” I knew this guy was paying $6/min to hang out with me, and I let myself feel pressured to rush things a little bit.
In hindsight I can see that the guy would have been perfectly happy to take the session slow. As a newbie I just assumed that even as he was asking me how my day was going, his other hand was busy if you know what I mean. LOL.
If the guy’s trying to make conversation, he’s in it for a longer show and will be happy to chill for a little bit beforehand.
I made the mistake of assuming that every customer wanted to watch me get naked and masturbate.
Every customer wants something different, and it took me a while before I could calmly and confidently wait for him to tell me exactly what his different something was.
The Point of No Return…
and the Pleasure Beyond
As soon as I took my top off I knew there was no turning back, so I plowed ahead. I threw myself into it and allowed myself to lose control. I forgot that behind the screen name was a perfect stranger. I suppose it was the assurance that I would never meet this guy in real life that kept me okay with it.
I was anonymous. I was finally free to do whatever the hell I wanted. I embraced my sexuality with abandon for a few minutes and the rest is history.
When the private session ended, a 30 second countdown appeared so I could get ready to go back into free chat.
Back in free chat, most of the members had jumped ship while I was busy. But they continued to come and go as they had before. I met a few really nice members, a couple of which are actually still regular customers to this day. I remember one screen name who tried to preach religion to me in free chat, and I had to ban him (odd soapbox to preach from). I did a couple more short shows and started to get more comfortable with my role and with my body.
It’s important to remember that there is a person behind that screen name. Remember that everyone is different and in that chat room for a different reason.
Sure, a lot of them might be horny and just want to watch a model masturbate. But some of them are lonely, looking for someone to talk to. Some have a totally different show in mind. Most of the time the member will let you know what they’re looking for before entering paid chat. When he doesn’t, give him a minute to tell you why he’s there. If he still doesn’t give you any clues, well, then you can do whatever the hell you want.
Return on My Investment
On my first day camming I earned $60, which totally paid for the HD webcam I had invested in. I was elated and felt really good about this new opportunity I’d discovered. And with that, I was hooked.
Wanna try it?
Sure! Where do I sign up?
I want more information and more tips.
No thanks.
That’s cool too. Thanks for stopping by!
Thank You For Sharing
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Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. I would love to hear from you!
Hi Angie,
Thank you for posting this! I have just started making moves into the camming industry. I am pretty nervous to say the least. I haven’t always been comfortable with my body, or in sexual situations in general. But that is why I am considering the idea of camming! I want to feel that freedom you talked about.. that wild abandon’ if you will haha.
I noticed you said you are a musician.. do you perform? What has it been like concealing your identity (if you do).
I’m a musician as well, chasing after a music career.. and it’s been the one thing in the front of my mind worrying me that I will be recognized and have recordings of me posted online for the world to see. If that did happen I would accept it, but it’s not something I’d want. I purchased a blonde wig, and fake glasses. And I plan on sticking to a fake name.
Look at me.. spilling my guts! If you find the time to reply that would be awesome, but if not, thanks again for a great post!
Jenny, I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed this post! It can definitely be nerve-wracking starting out, so I totally hear you on that. Anonymity can be truly liberating lol
I don’t perform music live at the moment, though it is something I’ll have to work on in the future. I am extremely shy if you can believe that haha. Right now I’m working on recording and producing an album. What sort of music do you make?
I’ve been camming for almost 2 years now, and I have never found a video of any of my sessions online (I have looked, and actually had a company that specializes in this check for me too!). As long as you work with a good cam site or agency, and only do the “good stuff” in private sessions, you shouldn’t really have to worry about videos of you popping up everywhere. It happens, but it’s not as common as people tend to think.
The wig and glasses disguise is a great idea, as long as it’s believable! Actually that’s something I’ve been thinking I should write about, so you beat me to it
The fake name is a must 100%. Consider having a “fake real name” ready for when you want a customer to feel like he’s getting to know you better.
Here are some more tips for protecting your privacy as a webcam model.
Thanks again for taking the time to comment, Jenny. Message me anytime!