What Do You Do? (Sex Work In Society Pt. 3)
…continued from Part 2: To Tell or Not To Tell
My boyfriend and my closest friends know what I do for a living. As for everyone else, I post ads and run white label sites for a couple of online entertainment networks. If asked, the sites promote adult entertainment.
I asked the community at WeCamgirls how they answer the question:
What do you do for a living?
Here’s what they had to say.
“I have come out to people close to me about what I do. While my parents were mad, my sister and my friend didn’t care. I was starting an account at a new bank and they asked what I do; I told them I am a model. I didn’t specify which kind but I only said model because I panicked!
My husband tells his friends that I work from home for Apple and I do troubleshooting (which doesn’t sound too shabby actually lol). It’s just specific enough to make sense and just vague enough to keep people from being nosy. I liked my husband’s answer so I just tell people that.”
“I tell people I’m an online concierge (It’s a real thing). I’ve got an entire back-story (just as I do for guys asking about my ‘real’ life). Since the online concierge is a global business, sometimes I’m called upon to work weird hours because of what’s going on in the rest of the world – such as holidays other countries celebrate, but we in the USA don’t honor.
The only downside will be if someone wants info on how to become an online concierge too! Guess I’ll have to say I was ‘recruited’ by a friend, that it’s not a job for just anyone. LOL
I make a point of changing the subject about my career as quickly as I possibly can!”
“Well, since I only do this on the side for extra money I tell people what I actually do for a living (I’m a cook).
My close friends and co-workers know exactly what I do on the side, though. I’ll tell others on a need-to-know basis.”
“I usually say I’m in new media entertainment and marketing, which is true enough. I haven’t really told my family yet. If they ask I would tell the truth but for now it’s simpler to just say new media.”
Thanks WeCamgirls!
What do you do for a living… officially?
When it comes to official business like applying for a bank account or filing taxes, you won’t usually need a cover story. It’s simple:
Job Title:
Independent Contractor
Sales or Customer Service
Employer’s address:
Your address, or the address you work from.
Provide your average or range.
Proof of Income:
We don’t get pay stubs, but bank statements are easy enough after you’ve deposited a few checks.
At one point I needed proof of income for official business and 5 Points provided a “Statement of Earnings” for the period of time I selected. They wrote it up on the official letterhead of their generic parent company. I’m not sure how other cam sites deal with this, but 5 Points is awesome with privacy and they really take care of their models.
If all this social stigma talk hasn’t completely scared you away from trying your hand at webcam modeling, you’re doing good lol.
You can answer the question however makes the most sense to you. Say it straight, omit the sex work part of the story, or be more creative – think nighttime legal secretary* haha.
*reference to Secret Diary of a Call Girl
I’ll conclude with this response from a male webcam model on the VS Broadcasting network through 5 Points.
“I talk about it like any other job. When I’m asked what I do, I say ‘basically I jerk off for money.’
The first few weeks I did it with a grin on my face because I kind of enjoy being that obnoxiously raunchy asshole, but now it’s very casual.”
I would love to hear your ideas on this one. Hey U Camgirl – “What do you do for a living?”
About Author
I'm a 26 year old Canadian, musician, and camgirl. I quit my day job in July 2013 thanks to webcam modeling, and I created U Camgirl to share what I've learned along the way. I'm here to answer questions and help anyone interested in pursuing webcam work.
Hey Angie!
Thank you so much for sharing amazing bits of insight! I have to tell you that when I first started looking into webcamming, reading your blog helped me greatly in making my decision to go for it. And moreso your advice and thorough reviews encouraged me to apply to InternetModeling.com. I am so so grateful that I found your words first because I am thrilled with the service I have received through Internet Modeling and I have had a great time on cam so far.
Anyway, I would love to talk to you more. It can be hard finding other intelligent, nice, camgirls out there especially when you’re just starting out.
xoxo, Brigitte
Hi Brigitte!
I’m so glad to hear you’re enjoying webcam modeling so far! It’s true, it can be a lonely world on cam starting out, although I’m sure you’ll have plenty of fans to keep you company
haha, I know it’s not the same. That’s awesome that you’re with Internet Modeling now too!
Have you located the private forums they have for models yet? There are lots of helpful girls and guys on there if you ever need another perspective or other models to chat with. And of course I’d always be happy to hear from you. Drop me a line anytime! Hope to see you around U Camgirl again.
Hi again Angie! It is really sad that there is a need for cover stories, masturbation is just another natural thing to do! and if there is so many people who think it is nice to watch then you are really doing a good thing for them. I come to think of all the lonely people who just want something nice to look at that can help them imagine they actually have someone there. Namaste, Kristina
Hello again Kristina
I agree wholeheartedly that it is sad and I wish that I could confidently “come out of the closet” as it were, but unfortunately most of society just isn’t as progressed in their thinking. My own family for example would be heartbroken because of their own traditional mindsets. I do agree that webcam models are offering a very valuable service to a lot of lonely people out there. It’s something I’m going to address in a future post, but the majority of my own clients do seem to be lonely. Hopefully someday soon the rest of us will understand this! Thanks again for sharing your thoughts